Daily Meditation for February 1, 2023

On January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in New Delhi, India.  He was known as an advocate of nonviolence and worked daily in his country for the cause of peace. His valiant acts of nonviolence led to his own violent death by those who could not or would not accept a nonviolent way of life.  Mahatma Gandhi continues to challenge us to do something heroic, something kind, something nonviolent, regardless of how small the act might be.  Perhaps it may mean giving someone a second chance to do better or it may mean doing a random act of kindness out of the blue for someone else.  It may mean being grateful every day for the opportunity to act in a kind, nonviolent way toward myself and toward others.  Mahatma Gandhi lives on in the hearts of all peace loving, nonviolent people.

By Joyce Iten,OSB