Daily Meditation for December 30, 2022
“Proud and Sorry” is a group activity that can improve a person’s insight. Participants take turns describing something they did in the past week that they felt proud of, and something they were sorry for. With New Year’s Eve coming up, retrospectives of the past year and good resolutions for the next are appropriate. “Proud and Sorrys” could be useful. Next year: What three things could you do that would result in (or at least contribute to) something you would be proud of? It might be better health, new spiritual insights and commitments, a more positive outlook on life, or learning something you have wanted to try. Next, the regrets. Looking at unsuccessful events of last year, what three things do you wish you could do over? Are there different decisions or actions that would have prevented the issue? Is there a pattern to the regrets? Did you apologize and maintain relationships? May your analysis bring you peace and all good in the coming year!
By Mary Jackle, OSB