Daily Meditation for December 29, 2022

Let’s imagine that while we are on a sailboat, a gale-force wind suddenly threatens…If you are a pessimist, what might you do? Probably complain? Your optimist friend says more calmly, “Oh, it’ll change soon.” But if you were the leader of the group, you would surely adjust the sails! With what you know about the election returns and your former reactions to the win/lose possibilities, how would you judge yourself: “Oh, nothing will ever change!” or “I’m still hoping that my party wins; we’ve been through worse times!” or might you check Jessica Lee on SNOPES to remain open to what are mere rumors floating around in social media? Not wanting to “whine” or be called a “Pollyanna,” we could go downtown for breakfast with the gals and guys who always have breakfast at the Red Rooster Inn! We might get another side of the heated story! It could be fun; want to come with me? I’ll pay…

By Renée Domeier, OSB