Daily Meditation for December 23, 2022
The month of December finishes the countdown to a new year. What is being eagerly anticipated? Is it trusting that a new time will promise good days? Can we hope that 2023 will be padded with blessing? Calendars record the movement of seasons and the passage of our days. Clocks retain a steady forward pulse of time. Alarms shock one into awareness and timers insist on alertness to a finish line or a completed task. In an earlier day, an unwrapped gift might reveal an enviable wrist watch or a time piece on a locket. Today everything is digital. Still, the end of a calendar year, the buzz of a personal alarm, shakes consciousness toward meaning. They may ask: What are my goals? Where am I heading? Who has made a significant impact on my life, and what do I wish for those who follow me? As January 1 approaches, may time serve to record the blessing we are to one another.
By Ruth Feeney, OSB