Daily Meditation for November 25, 2022
Have you ever sat and put a jigsaw puzzle together and in the end, one piece seems to be missing? The picture is not complete and it is not quite as appealing. Each piece has its place and is important for the picture to be a whole. If one person is missing at a family gathering, the family is not complete, not whole. If a card is missing in a deck, the deck is not complete, not whole. Each individual piece or person is of value and importance. With the gifts and talents of each person, the project, picture, club, family, community endeavor, the end result will not be as beautiful or helpful, as it could be. It may be wise to remember that giving of one’s gifts is what God has asked each of us, so that blessings galore can be shared with our present day world. May it be wise to spend some time reflecting on this question: Am I doing my part to bring happiness and peace to people that I am in contact with, so that our lives can become more complete?
By Michon Lanners, OSB