Wind Chimes
I had just finished a long walk in our woods and was sitting on a bench in a small shelter on the prairie. I heard what sounded like a bell ringing. It sounded far away.
As I listened more attentively, I realized it was right above my head. I was hearing a wind chime, gently swinging in the breeze. It was hanging from a wooden beam; it caught the breeze perfectly. Each of the chimes—there were six—was a different length causing it to make a unique sound. The music that I heard was simple and beautiful.
As I rested on the bench, grateful for a place to sit, the chime music continued to calm my spirit. My walk in the woods had been peaceful, and the music was adding to the gratitude I was already feeling in my heart. I was grateful for the beauty of the fall day, which was full of sunshine and blue skies along with fresh air. The beauty of the landscape on the prairie only added to the wind chime music.
I experienced God in the moment. The feeling was like what I experience when I am in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel; I was feeling the calming presence of God.
If you would like more information about our Saint Benedict’s Monastery, please contact Sister Lisa Rose, director of vocation ministry, at
Lisa Rose, OSB
Photo: Wind chimes on the prairie, taken by Sister Lisa Rose