Daily Meditation for May 25, 2022
Ms. Jennings was eager to hear some of the acts of kindness her religious education students had done out of love this past week. Earlier, in preparation for the Feast of Ascension, the class had reviewed the four Gospels looking for examples of loving things Jesus had done before His ascension into heaven. Kendra shared that although she was tired, she had read two of her little brothers’ favorite bedtime stories to them before they went to sleep the night of their fourth birthday. Max and his sisters had surprised their mom by having the evening meal all prepared when she came home after working late. Although he knew it could take much patience, Dillon had volunteered to help his sister with her math. The students agreed that this assignment helped them prepare in a new way for the Feast of the Ascension which was the next day.
By Lois Wedl, OSB