Daily Meditation for April 28, 2022
This later April time swings from endings to beginnings. We’ve said “goodbye” to winter and are easing into springtime. For Christian people, the Lenten season has ended and they are now enjoying the joys and festivities of a new life in Christ in the Easter season. Fowl migration signals the end of the southern housing of our winged friends, entering into their time of nesting, anticipating newly hatched offspring. The winter rest of dormant plants is replaced by newly emerged tulips, crocuses, and hyacinths. Rested soil gives way to sprouts of newly seeded fields of plants awaiting to feed a hungry world. Students anticipate leaving behind former grades to advance to a new level. Others will leave behind former institutions to graduate to new facets of life. Ah, the list goes on and on; let me conclude with a quotation from Robert Murrary Cheyne which embraces God’s presence in these Changes: “Jesus sees the end from the beginning.”
By Philip Zimmer, OSB