Daily Meditation for April 25, 2022
Before All Saints Day, each student in Mr. Grady’s 7th grade class had to find one significant thing about his/her patron saint. In response to the smile on Mark’s face, Mr. Grady said, “OK, what’s up?” Excitedly, Mark said, “My patron is symbolized as a lion.” And added, “That’s because Mark begins his Gospel in the wilderness.” He didn’t know how Mark’s gospel ended so the class had the fun of researching that. The ending! OK! When the sabbath ended, some women went to anoint Jesus’ body but to their amazement, the stone was rolled back and an angel told them Jesus had risen, that they should tell Peter and the disciples that Jesus had gone before them into Galilee. They should seek him there. Mr. Grady and his class had a great time coming up with many ways that they together were going to seek and find Jesus. And you?