Daily Meditation for April 20, 2022

Happy Easter week. The great feast of Easter is the grand celebration of Jesus’ rising from the dead after his agonizing suffering and death on the cross. His death and resurrection offers each of us new life. We are new people. Our existence is dramatically changed. And we can’t miss the abundant signs of new life surrounding us—the grass turning green, more buds appearing on the trees and bushes each day. Greening all around us foretells the rich vegetation that is emerging. Soon seeds will be sown in fields and vegetable and flower beds. New life fills us with an overwhelming spirit of joy. But those dealing with painful situations may find it very hard to be joyful at this time. May they be assured that a new normal is growing through the painful situation and new life always comes from suffering. Happy Easter and Happy New Life.

By Marlene Meierhofer, OSB