Daily Meditation for March 25, 2022
The Shaker song, “Simple Gifts,” speaks of simplicity and freedom as gifts that come with allowing ourselves to turn—and turn—until we “come round right.” Lent is a season when many of us focus on the “turning” that is needed in our lives. We recognize that we are clay vessels in the hands of God, the Master Potter. While we acknowledge the rough edges and cracks in the clay of our being, we also recognize the growth and beauty that our flaws and imperfections may have created in us. If we open ourselves, becoming pliable and willing to yield to the turning that God desires in us, we will be shaped anew, just as clay on the potter’s wheel is shaped. In these final weeks of Lent, let us be grateful to God who knows all our weaknesses and imperfections, and yet continues to shape and reshape us until we “turn round right.”
By Mary Weidner, OSB