Daily Meditation for March 24, 2022
Those who follow the liturgical readings daily during Lent are surely aware of how the penitential spirit will be interrupted tomorrow, March 25, by the celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation. In the Church’s Year of Grace, Dr. Pius Parsch reminds his readers of the amazing truth that the Feast of the Annunciation commemorates the most sublime moment in the history of time. At the moment, Mary, a human being, freely said “yes” to God’s request spoken through the Angel Gabriel, that she would conceive and bear a son whom she would name Jesus, the second Divine Person of the most Holy Trinity assumed our human nature in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. How can we but marvel in awe and gratitude at the mystery of God’s incomprehensible goodness to human beings.
By Lois Wedl, OSB