Interfaith Experience

“Take some quiet time.” These were the words of oblate friend, Bob Lesniewski, in an email invitation to an interfaith experience. I wondered what an interfaith prayer service would be like in Minnesota and Wisconsin? Did interfaith mean different denominations? Different religions? I was curious.

On Wednesday, January 12, I did answer the invitation on Zoom. It seems to me Zoom is the real miracle in this pandemic. Zoom has done what we have not done before. This interfaith group used to meet in person. Since COVID, it has changed and everyone Zooms from home. The beauty is that many who could not otherwise be there because of distance now were able to join the group and add to the rich experience and create a new kind of inclusion.

Bob, quoting psalm 133 began, “It is good when brothers and sisters and kindred can come together to pray for Peace and Unity for All People.”

Many good experiences happened that evening, and I am grateful to all the religions and denominations represented. I particularly related to the Quaker’s gift of silence. It was good to sit and listen to the quiet. It was good to have an experience in a worship service that demanded nothing more than to be still. These kinds of gatherings seem almost impossible considering our disconnect and polarization throughout the country and yet, there we were. So many differences and yet so much the same.

Bob Lesniewski brought us all together at the end, reminding us of how good it is to pray together. Perhaps, everyone left that evening with a new sense of hope. That was my prayer.

Pat Pickett, OblSB

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash