Daily Meditation for January 7, 2022
It seems that for many of us, we are always “on the go.” Driving, walking, running, shuffling, or flying from place to place. Wherever we are going, it seems we know well the destination and keep that in mind as we proceed. Actually, all of life is a journey. Life is about going places–of moving on from where we are and to who we are. Going places, encountering new experiences and relationships expands our growth in wisdom and understanding. With each encounter, we go to a new place in our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world. Daily we set out toward the destination of living life to the fullest. The fullness of life is beyond our grasp. It is life eternal. Our destination is life eternal. May our moving about today from one place to another remind us of our journey in life and its destination.
By Marlene Meierhofer, OSB